The material is presented clearly, withlightness and humor, which Steve Meyerwitz is known for! A major part ofthe book presents drinks, which may be teas, smoothies, citrus juices orother kinds of vegetable or fruit juices, for specific conditions. Thereare chapters on power drinks for the physical body, for the mind, and forlongevity. The longest chapter, called "Power drinks - MedicineChest", details nutritional therapies and recipes for 115 differenthealth disorders.
A tremendous resource on high power foods andherbs, is the chapter titled, "Nature's Finest Healing Foods andHerbs". It is this chapter which inspired me to start growing andeating broccoli sprouts, which contain fantastic amounts of valuablephytochemicals (plant derived substances). One type of phytochemicals isglucosinolates; Enzymes in the body convert these chemicals toisothiocyanates. One isothiocyanate, sulforaphane, is the strongest naturalinducer of our body's own protective enzymes against carcinogens. Thesesubstances have been shown to reduce the incidence, rate of development,and the size of tumors.Broccoli sprouts contain 20 to 50 times moresulforaphane than the average adult broccoli plant! In three days you canraise a crop of broccoli sprouts containing as much sulforaphane as an acreof broccoli would yield in a year! This chapter is a complete pharmacopoeiaof common foods and herbs, full of illuminating information.
Anothervery worthwhile chapter is titled, "Nutrient Sources". Thischapter lists vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, and provides food sourcesthat are loaded with them. Good sources of calories, carbohydrates, fatsand protein are also listed.
People of all nutritionalpersuasions will appreciate this book. It can provide tasty new healthydrinks and teas for those just starting their journey towards naturalhealing. For the already enthusiastic, it can educate and deepen theirunderstanding of many high-powered health foods.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Power Juices, Super Drinks: Quick, Delicious Recipes to Prevent & Reverse Disease (Paperback)
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